Dear Parents and Guardians,
Subject: School Attendance Policy
At All Saints Catholic Academy, we recognize that regular attendance is essential for your child’s academic success. As we approach the halfway mark of the school year, we want to remind you of our attendance policy, as outlined in the handbook, and its importance in supporting your child’s learning and overall development.
Reporting Absences:
As per the handbook, parents must report their child’s absence by 9:00 AM on the day of the absence.
Partial Day Absences:
If a student leaves school before 11:00 AM due to illness, they will be marked as absent for the entire day.
Excessive Absences:
If a student accumulates more than 18 absences in a school year, they may be considered for summer school or retention. To monitor this, we encourage families to review attendance records as we near the halfway point of the academic year. We are actively looking at all attendance records for students to see who is approaching the threshold.
Responsibility for Missed Work:
Students are responsible for making up all missed work. Please stay informed by regularly checking your child’s Google Classroom for updates on classwork and homework assignments.
As per the handbook, maintaining consistent attendance is critical to your child’s academic growth and success. We kindly ask for your continued support in ensuring that your child attends school daily, barring illness or other unavoidable circumstances.
If you have any questions or require assistance regarding this policy or your child’s attendance, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Thank you for partnering with us in fostering an environment of academic success and personal growth.